Featured cases

Case: Vale 2007


old logo

You never heard of CVRD either, did you? It is Brazil's largest company, Companhia Vale do Rio Doce. And by acquiring Canada's Inco in 2006, it became the world's second largest mining company (to BHP Billiton).  CVRD's rebranding as Vale is intended to break it out of anonymity,  instantly to become a proudly "a gigantic Brazilian company present everywhere," in the CEO's words.  Other goals were to replace the somewhat brutal, almost militaristic look of a once state-owned company with a more open public personality, and "to bring together all employees in one family."

To most of us, it looks like a name change; "Vale" reads like the English word that it is (for valley), used creatively as a name. But in parts of Brazil, 'Vale' was already the everyday communicative name of "Companhia Vale do Rio Doce" which elsewhere in Brazil, and in the U.S. and Asia, was called CVRD and in Europe, was known as Rio Doce.  Clearly this was dysfunctional branding, and CEO Roger Agnelli fixed it.

The beautifully simple symbol, a "V" monogram, evokes a landscape, and Brazil in its colors.  Agnelli sees in it a heart, mining and geographic elements, the green of nature and the gold of wealth.

Asked how much this cost, Agnelli  said both "too much" and "cheap," considering the opportunity "to unify the company, to give this new face to its vision, to give a name that can be used as the last name of all employees... we are investing in pride, motivation, vision. It is a huge investment."

In addition to typography and palette, the visual system features a landscape-like pattern of rolling color fields. Units were grouped in generically named competence areas (like Energy, Logistics, Mining) uniformaly signed with the new symbol, with one nomenclature exception, Vale Inco, in respect for its Canadian equity. 

The launch event was said to have featured many musicians and dancers and required a large tent.


Lippincott (NY) in collaboration with Cauduro Martino (Sao Paolo)


Submitted by: Tony Spaeth, 19/12/2007
Status: Confirmed by Lippincott NY, Hilary Folger, Sr. Associate - 19/12/2007
Category: Mining
Country (HQ): Brazil





Strategic driver: 70%   
Broaden scope/scale/visibility
  Remove limiting geographic association
 5%  x  Identity system elements: Verbal elements: Principal unit names or competence list
    x  Identity system elements: Unit signature system: Visual endorsement
    x  Change event : High visibility: Campaign
Broaden scope/scale/visibility
  Elevate public profile
 20%  x  Identifier tactics: Name change: Brand
    x  Identifier tactics: Logo change: Symbol-dominant
    x  Identity system elements: Visual system: Typography
    x  Identity system elements: Visual system: Graphic devices
    x  Identity system elements: Visual system: Palette
    x  Change event : High visibility: Campaign
Change internal culture
  Enhance pride & confidence
 10%  x  Identifier tactics: Name change: Brand
    x  Identifier tactics: Logo change: Symbol-dominant
    x  Identity system elements: Visual system: Typography
    x  Identity system elements: Visual system: Graphic devices
    x  Identity system elements: Visual system: Palette
    x  Change event : High visibility: Campaign
Change internal culture
  Transfer affiliation from unit to parent
 10%  x  Identifier tactics: Name change: Brand
    x  Identifier tactics: Logo change: Symbol-dominant
    x  Identity system elements: Verbal elements: Principal unit names or competence list
    x  Identity system elements: Unit signature system: Monolithic
    x  Identity system elements: Unit signature system: Visual endorsement
Change perceived composition
  Modify parental 'umbrella' presence
 5%  x  Identifier tactics: Name change: Brand
    x  Identifier tactics: Logo change: Symbol-dominant
    x  Identity system elements: Verbal elements: Principal unit names or competence list
    x  Identity system elements: Unit signature system: Monolithic
    x  Identity system elements: Unit signature system: Visual endorsement
Functional driver: 30%   
Name weakness
  Increase name impact & recall
 15%  x  Identifier tactics: Name change: Brand
    x  Identifier tactics: Logo change: Symbol-dominant
    x  Change event : High visibility: Campaign
Design weakness
  Increase visual strength/quality
 15%  x  Identifier tactics: Logo change: Symbol-dominant
    x  Identity system elements: Visual system: Typography
    x  Identity system elements: Visual system: Graphic devices
    x  Identity system elements: Visual system: Palette